Thursday, December 13, 2007

What about Cuddling?

Good question Damaris!!

I had to look this one up just to make sure we're all on the same page about it's meaning.

This is what I found:
cud·dle (kdl)
v. cud·dled, cud·dling, cud·dles


  1. To touch or stroke affectionately: caress, fondle, pat, pet. See touch.
  2. To lie or press close together, usually with another person or thing: nestle, nuzzle, snug, snuggle. See near.
noun The act of cuddling; a hug or embrace.

In my life, cuddling only seems to happen at night, when we're all getting ready to fall asleep and by we I'm talking about Jessica, Janette, Damaris and myself. This is what I don't like,
it bugs me that when I'm trying to fall asleep someone (and by that "someone" we all know who I'm talking about) wants to
touch or stroke me affectionately by press close together. Umm, excuse me, but I'm trying to sleep, and it's probably really really late, like I should be on my third dream late.
I'm not against the act itself, just not in bed when I'm trying to sleep.
It's fine if we're all on Janette's bed trying to watch Grey's on her lap top.
It's fine when we're at a bonfire and it's really cold; I've lost count on how many times I've been used as a body size pillow.
It's fine if we're watching a movie on someones cozy couch; Smokey doesn't even ask anymore.
I'm fine with it, just ask Janette, she broke me.


Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Recently, I've come to realize that there are many misunderstandings about me. It's mostly my fault for not speaking up but I'm going to fix them now (or at least try).

First, I do not appreciate being physically touched.
That's false.

Second, that I do not like to hold peoples hands because I don't like their dirty/sweaty palms.
That's false.

Third, that I think a friend of mine is ugly. (Jess you know who I'm talking about so listen up)
That's false.

Fourth, I would only date/go-out with a very physically attractive man. (A hot face and a hot bod, as Jessica likes to put it)
That's false.

These are only the misunderstandings I could think of off the top of my head but I'm sure there are more.

Okay, so now allow me to explain myself:

First, for me, being touched should be something special.

For example, a hug should be a warm, loving embrace that lasts more than a second and actually be held, but not just any hold, I'm talking about a really firm hold, a tight squeeze. But we're used to that, I'm almost going to put my arms around you with no embrace and absolutely no hold, so then the hug just become an awkward side hug.

A kiss, means I feel your lips on my cheek and you feel my lips on yours. Please, none of that, my cheek is barley going to touch your cheek and then we both make the "sound" in the air.

NO! That's fake, so if it's that kind of kiss and/or hug, then don't even bother. And the only true kisser/hugger I've know thus far is Damaris, so I give you props girl!!

Second, I have very cold and clammy hands. This means my hands are constantly cold and kind of wet. But here's the thing I have a hot body, I always feel like I'm running a fever (which is awesome during winter but horrible in the summer). Therefore when I come into contact with someone else my hands get hot within seconds so now we both have hot sweaty hands and that's totally my fault so I have nothing against anyone. I'm only trying to save you from my hot sweat.

Third, one lovely afternoon, I showed an old picture of a present friend to Jess and she turned to me and asked something like "Can you see why I fell for him?" And my answer was "No, I don't find him attractive." And attractive is the key word here. I never said "No, he's ugly". All I was saying is that I was not attracted to him, why is that so bad? So after that comment everyone thinks that I think that he's ugly and I don't... I'm just not attracted to him!

Fourth, do I think a hot face and a hot body are awesome? YES but this does not mean I discriminate. I would and I have gone-out with a regular "Joe." My main focus in a man is a cool personality! And I know you still don't believe me so allow me to expand. I am not "looking." I don't want a man. So with this in mind, I allow myself to be picky when we talk about hotness levels. But in all reality, I'm not being serious! I would never, if I was looking put physical beauty over inner beauty!

In conclusion to the misunderstandings, I DO appreciate touch and maybe more than you will ever know, but if it's fake then don't even bother, I'm better off without the awkwardness in my life. I'm trying to save you from holding my hot sweaty hand. I don't think he's ugly, I'm just not attracted to him. If I was "looking" I would put a cool personality over any hot bod everyday.

If your still not convinced let me know so I can further elaborate. And if there this is something you would like to ask me, about anything, go ahead.